Values & Culture

Our values and culture are a together of different pieces that direct the way we are, behave and act.
Our core values are rooted in inclusiveness, regeneration and sustainability, out of which values like mutual respect and support naturally arise.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.
- MK Gandhi -
What's important to us?

Our Core and Essence
Everything we do is founded in the principles of:
We accept and respect each other, treat each other with kindness, care about and for each other, and offer mutual support. We build sincere and trusting relationships, are gently direct, and seek open conversations even when it’s difficult. We approach in an empathic way, speak up for what is right, and value each other's dignity. We are transparent in our actions, and embrace vulnerability, but we also respect each other’s boundaries and capacities.
We are people, not machines, so, everyone is acknowledged and valued for their contributions in the day-to-day processes. We acknowledge that the contributions of each team member, partner and community member matter and that without the contributions of each USEE could not be what it is. We promote each other’s growth and cherish each other’s uniqueness, as well as the opportunity to contribute to other people’s lives, as people and organisation.
We understand that each of us pursues an individual life path and we are grateful for the time we get to share. Instead of competing, we focus on how we can work together in a complementary way, to enhance each other’s capabilities. But, we don’t shy away from competing with ourselves, being as creatively productive as we can, every day. We incentivise our strengths, and help each other overcome personal weaknesses because we understand that we're stronger together.
We are aware that alone, each of us is limited – operating in harmony with other people is what allowed us to evolve as modern societies in the first place. We are also aware that we impact each other’s lives, no matter what, so we might as well do it consciously. When we are at our best, our own life gets easier, and we automatically increase the life quality of the people around us, even with a simple smile. Together, we can achieve amazing things, so we offer belonging and purpose while motivating, inspiring and empowering people all around the globe, starting with ourselves.
We integrate inclusiveness at our core and SVARG's, because no matter how we look, what languages we speak or what kind of relationships we prefer, we're one people. We matter and so does our wellbeing and our prosperity. We also respect, protect and care for our planet, its ecosystems and vast biodiversity that ultimately allows us to experience life anew every day, whatever we may choose to do with it.
We create welcoming, friendly and healthy environments, to facilitate human wellbeing, life balance and prosperity, for individual people and global societies. And we do the same thing all the way through the ecosystem, facilitating health for all forms of life, from microbes to mammals. This includes healthy soil, fertile and well-vegetated lands, as well as healthy and abundant water bodies, and clean air. That's why regeneration is included in SVARG as a way to re-create health, for people and out planet.
Our actions are not only directed to regenerate our planet but to integrate human activity into the functioning of nature in a symbiotic way, forming a holistic system where we are consciously to be a part of the ecosystem and called to protect it.
We are aware that all our actions have consequences and thus, we progress with a holistic and infinite mindset. Efficiency, resource allotment and the impact on the environment plays as much a role as recycling modalities, choice of materials, durability, resilience and toxicity or contamination potential. We constantly re-evaluate our approach in relation to new knowledge arising, to determine the wider impact of our services, products and processes, in the short- to long-term, and in consideration of all stakeholders. That's why within SVARG, sustainability also relates to infrastructure, life-quality enhancing processes and economy. But it also relates to our determination, our drive and consistency because the more we get done, the closer we get to our Vision being a reality, and we believe that's very much possible if we just put our minds to it, collaborate and follow up with action.
When we plan, we also discuss and think-through possible unwanted consequences of our actions with experts from different fields, and people of different perspectives. We ensure that we do things the best way we can, and consciously leave room for creative solutions. At USEE, we tend to picture the optimal scenario and then figure out how to best get there, considering the resources we have available as people, organisation, global community, and the possible innovations that could help us achieve our goals.

Our Culture
We live what we preach.
We are passionate about USEE’s purpose of uniting and empowering to raise life quality and address global challenges. We don’t just look at global issues from a different angle, we change the status quo and introduce new best practices into the mainstream. We imagine what the optimal solution would look like in any given situation, and then find creative ways to get there.
USEE is a high performing environment that cherishes and promotes a high level of involvement. We persistently advance our cause in an authentic way, and we are open to change our way of operation, should we recognise that there’s a better way to get things done. At USEE, you are a co-creator, and with that comes the responsibility of engaging, and evaluating what makes sense at any given point in time. Whenever anything comes to mind in this regard, you’re kindly invited to bring it up, so we can look at it together.
We value smart perseverance, meaning that when we get stuck or find moving ahead unnecessarily hard, we seek support. It doesn’t matter what you’re working on or what you need, at USEE we are a team that offers and receives mutual care and support. And so, we draw strength from walking on this ambitious path with like-minded people. This doesn’t mean that we agree on everything, instead, we seek thought-provoking exchanges of ideas and friendly debates to push limitations and design new norms, starting from within our organisation.
We genuinely believe that our vision, values and culture are the heart and pulse of our operations, while our mission is a vehicle, fueled by our purpose, enabling us to reach where we want to go.
We are open to constructive feedback as much as we are open to share our know-how with each other. We accept and embrace what makes us unique, so we can collaborate on a higher level, comfortably sharing our own ideas, thoughts, questions, and concerns. In fact, inside our team, we cherish crazy ideas as much as practical ones, for it is usually a combination of the two to prevail, and lead to innovation. In that sense, brainstorming is an important part of our collaboration, and we intend for it to be a fun process where any input that lightens the mood and increases creativity is welcome, as long as we all have the same goal in mind.
What matters is that we get things done and that everything we do is in alignment with our purpose, values, vision and mission. We are courageous and really get rolling, even when there is no apparent solution, because we know that where there’s a will, there’s a way. We contribute by giving our best every day, to leave a personal mark in the future we want to create together. Yet, we are conscious about our productivity levels and how they differ at various times, so we can take advantage of the natural surges of energy each of us experiences, without wasting our time when we feel that we are not at our best. In moments where we feel less productive than we know we can be, we look at the root cause of this motion, so we can make our lives, collaborations and autonomous work as easy and fun as possible.
We are focused and don’t shy away from walking the extra mile, because we know that all our contributions matter in the pursuit of our mission. When different perspectives and mindsets come together to work out solutions, we exponentially increase our chances of success. And we also know, that the first solution is just that, the first, and there may be better ways to address challenges. So, we never give up on constant development and the joy of working things out together.

Our Code of Conduct
We unite and empower people because to establish new standards that facilitate human wellbeing, social prosperity and healthy ecosystems, with the goal of raising life quality, and addressing global challenges at the same time, so, we can all thrive together.
USEE is a one-stop shop for future development, from research, over application, to transformation support.
We drive a social movement of beneficial transformation while designing, implementing and sharing our proprietary guide called SVARG as the basis for a new, value-based socioeconomic system.
We are committed to demonstrate how a value-based socio-economic system can better serve our planet and our societies. We want to prove that when we unite, we can truly achieve incredible things. Let’s do it together!
Our Core and Values
USEE is a vivid organisation with limited liability, dedicated to tackling longstanding global issues that affect the prosperity of people and the integrity of our planet’s ecosystems, like poverty, desertification, resource scarcity, inequality, poor health and so forth. Throughout our operations, we pursue a holistic approach with an infinite mindset, ensuring that our values of inclusiveness, sustainability and regeneration are embedded into USEE’s DNA, and in all our endeavours. Thus, we commit to the passionate pursuit of our vision, so today’s actions can turn into a future we are proud of creating.
We respect, and care for each other, so we can build trusting relationships, and offer mutual support. We accept and embrace what makes us unique, so we can collaborate on a higher level and comfortably share our own ideas, thoughts, questions, and concerns. We all contribute by giving our best to leave a personal mark in the future we want to create together.
What is the OCEC?
USEE’s Organizational Code of Ethics and Conduct - OCEC serves for everyone who, in one way or another, contributes their time and resources helping USEE pursue its mission. Thus, the present text outlines the basic principles and guidelines every team member, volunteer, partner and community member is expected to follow when cooperating with USEE. The OCEC is deeply rooted in USEE’s organizational culture, vision, and core values.
Why does the OCEC exist?
We believe that, to be a beacon for positive societal transformation, we need to act in conformity with the highest ethical standards. We want to lead the global transformation by being an example of how organizations should treat their communities, embracing a culture of mutual respect, empathy, fairness and dignity. As USEE grows, we want to safeguard these values across the organization, creating the present text to ensure that every community member has the tools they need to comply with our ethical and behavioral standards.
The Workplace
Every member of USEE’s team and volunteering staff is expected to be aligned with the organization’s values and vision, contributing to our mission of creating a more inclusive, sustainable and regenerative socioeconomic system. We want to create a culture where mutual support and genuine engagement with USEE’s development stand in focus of our daily activities. USEE offers a healthy working environment where people feel belonging and are cared for.
We want every member of our team and volunteering staff to know how every job within our organization is indispensable, contributing to our mission and vision.
We expect our teams to be dedicated and to give their best to propagate our mission, always acting in USEE’s best interest. Therefore, it is one of the teams, volunteering staff and partner’s main obligations to avoid conflicts of interest when working with USEE. These occur when any personal, family, business, or other activity, interferes or could impair the ability to act on USEE’s best interest. Conflicts of interest may harm USEE’s performance, ultimately influencing the integrity of USEE’s organizational conduct.
We create a safe working environment for our teams and volunteers based on mutual respect, acceptance, open and friendly communication, and inclusiveness, while focusing on individual potential and life balance. Therefore, we trace clear boundaries and will take immediate action for practices that pose a threat to a joyful, fun and welcoming ambiance, such as (but not limited to):
Discrimination or harassment of any kind;
Verbal and/ or physical violence;
The circulation of illegal, offensive, or sexually explicit objects or digital content;
Abuses of power, burnout-inducing behaviours and/ or overwhelming pressure.
We want people to say when something does not seem right and when they need support, or are going through a rough patch in life.
In collaborating with USEE, you can expect a culture of openness to raise your concerns, questions, insecurities, and share your thoughts and ideas on the projects we develop or the way we operate. Therefore, we want our teams to be able to fearlessly and shamelessly raise their voice, because every field of responsibility and every activity is equally significant to achieve our goals. USEE’s hierarchy is merely constructed to assure the effective functioning of our organization and can’t be related to social status at any moment and each team member is the master of their respective fields of responsibility that are led with autonomy and accountability.
We stand together as one and solve issues before they escalate or affect others, even if it means having uncomfortable conversations. That’s how we grow!
Development with USEE
Our aim is for all our team members to be able to be at their best at all times, so together we can joyfully advance on our mission, and feel fulfilled in the process – it’s a marathon not a sprint. We want to help each team member and volunteer to explore their potential, keeping up with their respective personal and professional development. Team members will also be accompanied through coaching, assuring the maintenance of their wellbeing, and the personal growth.
To make sure that all our team members feel valued and supported in their personal development, we gently share constant feedback and take the time for performance reviews. USEE encourages everyone to sincerely share their experience and expectations, so that we can better grow as a team.
Seek the opportunity to widen your range of experience across different fields, according to your interests and capacities.
USEE’s concepts of job and salary are an example of how we hope to implement a value-based system, in the world we are building together. In our organization, team members are encouraged to take on different activities during their working hours, exploring and nurturing their curiosity to best find the expression of their full potential. We also believe in promoting meritocracy, allowing for members of the permanent team to self-determine their compensation, based on a multidimensional evaluation of merit.
We expect every person/ business working with us to understand the necessity of transitioning towards a value-based economy. Thus, we look for individuals and businesses motivated to change the status quo, contributing to the transformation USEE hopes to put into motion.
We hope to foster a culture of involvement with our organization’s purpose, values and goals, starting within USEE, and extending to our partners.
We firmly believe in building strong relationships with different parties, aligned with USEE’s vision and values, and working towards similar goals. Therefore, we also want to enable the development of the institutional relationships established with present and future partners.
USEE conducts a specific procurement process to ensure the full potential of each partnership. In fact, prospect partners are expected to conduct their activities in line with the principles of inclusiveness, sustainability and regeneration that USEE stands for or agree to a transformation implementation plan to get there within a pre-defined time period. Moreover, customer and supplier relations, strategic partnerships, collaborations, and others, will also be assessed on the potential to mutually and synergistically enhance the capacity to create and offer value. For the procurement of indispensable products that can't be locally sourced, like hardware, we are asses our suppliers in terms of offering USEE the best possible option for the short- to long-term.
Proprietary Information
Proprietary information is information that belongs to USEE but which is not publicly available. This can include confidential information, for example, business plans or strategic directions and intellectual property such as trademarks, know-how, or patents, and personal information, like personnel databases or salary information. Although, USEE may decide to openly handle such information at the interior of our operation, and if necessary, in parts of its community, which doesn’t necessarily make this information public. So, when in doubt contact team- and organisation leaders to ensure the highest level of protection for USEE, our teams and partners.
In these cases, information should remain undisclosed and be carefully treated.
USEE has the duty and legal responsibility of publicly sharing diverse information regarding its activities. However, we still reserve the right of holding some information that we consider confidential. Our team may often find sensitive information regarding the organization, partnerships, or third parties that should only be disclosed if it has been made public already or with the respective authorization from the person responsible for any specific communication and information.
We concern ourselves with the careful treatment of our intellectual property, valuing it as one of USEE’s most important assets. As a centre of applied research and global transformation, our team will produce a vast amount of information that will be disclosed as USEE’s intellectual property when deemed appropriate and should be safeguarded against misuse.
During the course of our activities and engagement with multiple partners, team members will have access to the organization’s records and documents that may include proprietary information. The proper treatment and use of these records should be ensured at all times, not disclosing any form of confidential information, whether in speech, paper or digital form. We honour our partner's trust at all times.
Organisational Conduct
When conducting any activities as a member of USEE’s permanent or volunteering teams, there are also a few guidelines that can help you make the right decision, in consistency with USEE’s mission, purpose and values.
We break the limitations of what is possible, but we play by the rules, working in line with the legal principles that bind our living and functioning in society.
As a team, we should interpret, understand, and follow the letter and spirit of the current law in the countries where USEE operates, always using Portuguese laws as reference. We want to push forward innovation in the future development space, so we shall stay up to date regarding any changes occurring in the legal system to adopt the most recent developments without breaching the law or any gap in it.
USEE wants to grow as a trustworthy organisation, free of corruption and fraud.
USEE strongly opposes any fraudulent or corrupt practices when conducting its internal activities or when engaging in business activities and collaborative relationships with others. These include (but are not limited to):
Bribery or facilitation payments;
Extorsion or blackmail;
Extracting inappropriate personal benefits or harming USEE by intentionally deceiving the organization or its members and partners;
Collusion with third parties for any of the above, or other questionable behaviours.
Giving or accepting gifts from customers, suppliers, or partners must be avoided if it would compromise USEE’s organizational integrity. This is, gifts or entertainment that would create an apparent obligation, resemble any bribery situation or cloud the professional judgment of our teams and volunteering staff should not be accepted or given.
We lead by example, standing for an inclusive, sustainable and regenerative future for all.
We are aware that our internal rules are made by us, and if we feel that they don’t serve their purpose any longer, it should be addressed immediately. So, we can find better solutions as a team and organisation. This process ensures USEE’s constant development into the right direction, facilitating the fulfilment of our mission.
Being transparent in how we deal with other organizations is not only paving a path to becoming a trustworthy organization, but it is also something rooted within our values. Thus, every team member is expected to promote and propagate this transparency, and to collaborate with any scrutiny or investigation that may fall under USEE or its activities, promoted by the competent authorities.
It is our duty to openly communicate with the government authorities, ensuring honest accounts of our activities. We facilitate the normal due diligence processes at all times, and will surely be subject to independent audits in USEE’s different growth and expansion phases.
USEE is driving change, transitioning towards an inclusive, sustainable and regenerative future, influencing the ways our societies evolve for the benefit of all.
In fact, we hope to effectively collaborate with public entities in order to ensure a more efficient and inclusive way to conduct our societal activities - from education to sustainable production, over conscious land use and infrastructure implementation, workplace design, tourism, or health care. Thus, USEE is committed to engage with local, national, supra-national government structures and public institutions to collaborate in this transition. Our communication with public entities should be representative of our values, and clearly trace the value proposition of each solution we hope to implement along with each project’s outlined objectives and strategy.
Due to our present scale, USEE uses an external accounting team to ensure the compliance with the current tax laws in Portugal, where we are registered under the requirements of Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira, with the TAX Number 51 611 6339.