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beautiful park with colourful flowers, a wooden bridge leading over the water to the otherside where we get a glimpse of a richly vegetated forest
SVARG - the word in everyday use
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Through SVARG Services, we address Organisations, Communities and Governmental Institutions that want to integrate SVARG as a regenerative and advantageous way of operation for the benefit of all. Thereby, we progressively offer Research, Education, Consulting & Transformation Support as well as SVARG Certifications where desired.

Our Online Information Centre and Engagement Platform offer free access to SVARG Manuals, and background information in different formats. Yet, we’ll be offering paid consulting services and education programs as USEE develops further. 

Our Prototype Model Site and all the SVARG Models that will follow are designed as functioning eco-settlements supporting local and global transformation in the field. Through our Model Sites SVARG becomes tangible, for people to see and experience how it functions.

men standing with arms wide open on the top of stairs leading down into the bay from an old rustic building from which the men is observed

It's time for us to unite, get out to the world, and for YOU to SEE what we can achieve together!

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You See

The Vision     The Future    The Change

© 2024 by USEE - Unite and Support Ecology and Economy Lda.

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