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The Socio-Economic System

two hands holding each other over a flowery lake bed with a focus on the hands and a faded background

We often forget how much power is in our hands.

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We don't need to wait for our politicians and governments to introduce change. 

beautiful view of trees shooting up to the blue sky that is visible in the background

Let's create the beautiful world we deserve.

All we need to do, is to look at things from a  different perspective.

What is a socio-economic system?

The socio-economic system is the backbone of society. It represents the game board of our lives by regulating how societies function. It determines how resources, wealth and power are distributed while setting the stage for interactions between individuals, groups, and organizations. It is also the driving force behind the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The socio-economic system is based on the ideas and values we cherish as societies, which when shared transform into what we call culture. As a culture gets established, it defines the norms we agree to live by, which then lead to the rules and regulations we put in place. Through its priorities, focus points and structure, the socio-economic system is a powerful force that directs how we operate in the world, shaping the opportunities and experiences of people in any given society. Think of it like this; the way we live, interact, learn and work, how we tend to wellbeing and welfare, how we produce food, build, establish infrastructure and offer amenities, along with the way we approach the ecosystem, handle resources and address global issues – all of that, is part of our socio-economic system. While our current socio-economic system is shaped by conventional ways of operation that no longer serve their purpose, re-designing it holds the key to creating the future we want to live in.

What does that mean and why does it matter?

The socio-economic system shapes the trajectory of societies around the globe. It can have both, positive and negative impacts on individuals and communities. For example, a well-designed socio-economic system can promote social mobility, reduce inequality, support economic growth, and protect our planet. On the other hand, a poorly designed system can lead to poverty, social exclusion, economic stagnation, and ecosystem destruction. As such, a well-functioning socio-economic system can greatly improve the wellbeing of a society, providing opportunities for growth, prosperity, and a higher quality of life for all. At the same time, it can also drive the process of ecosystem regeneration, allowing for biodiversity and natural resources to be preserved by default, without even thinking about it. You see, the global issues we are dealing with today are symptoms of an outdated socio-economic structure. These symptoms reflect what the system is focused on and what it neglects. These symptoms include challenges like poor health, inequality, resource disruption, ecosystem health, climate change acceleration and poverty to name a few. Shifting our perspective, realigning our ideas and values, establishing new norms, and defining conscious ways of operation opens the door to tackling global issues with ease. That’s why, it's important to understand how the socio-economic system works, what its effects are, and how the current system can be changed to create the future we want to live in.

on the left side of the picture there is barren soil, cracked because of the drought, on the right side of the image there is a rich, densely vegetated forest underlining the two text fields above it

An example of what change means, from today's old to a new socio-economic system

Changing our focus to have solutions embedded in the way we operate in the world.

Shaping the new "normal" to match the future we want to live in.

Shareholder Supremacy

profits above all, at the cost of people and their wellbeing, and the cost of destroying our planet's ecosystems, making it a hostile place to live in, for people and countless other species

Value-Based Economy

inclusiveness, sustainability and regeneration above all, for abundance, fair distribution of resources, equal opportunities, merit-based remuneration, wellbeing, welfare and a healthy planet

Science is the acceptance of what works and the rejection of what does not.

- Jacob Bronowski -



  • analyse global challenges

  • research & get to their root causes

  • assess the potential areas of real impact


  • shape approaches benefitting society, ecology and economy, creating win3 situations

  • formulate guiding concepts design projects for the implementation of solutions


  • implement projects 

  • experiment with, adjust and optimise new solutions


  • make info & tools easily accessible to all

  • accelerate necessary transformation worldwide

majestic Waterfalls flowing over the rocks

Designing a new socio-economic system for the benefit of all...

Wishful thinking?

No, we already have all the knowledge and technology we need to make it happen.

Beautiful Landscape with vegetated hills and a picturesque sky in the background that is just being illuminated by the rising sun

Let's wave doomsday goodbye and create a new socio-economic system that is

  • ever evolving and tailored to our needs.

  • focused on taking care of people, and our planet.

  • developed to establish new norms across sectors and facets of life for the benefit of all.

  • designed to transform the economy into a holistic, symbiotic and value-based process.

  • developed to illustrate how new ways of operation work and how they lead to wellbeing, welfare, life-quality and planet regeneration with ease.

  • designed to accelerate the necessary global transformation focusing on innovation, as well as the mutual benefit of people, the ecosystem and the economy.

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You See

The Vision     The Future    The Change

© 2024 by USEE - Unite and Support Ecology and Economy Lda.

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