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Pledge a Percentage of your Profits

Peak from inside a cave towards the outside where aa woman is standing on a cliff looking at the plains
text background showing a light brown pattern in wooden feeltext background showing a light brown pattern in wooden feel

Share your success and support the creation of a future we can all thrive in.

We know that success in business is only possible because of the communities that support us. So, giving back is a symbol of gratitude and a way to show we care, as business owners and companies.

Why pledge parts of your profits to USEE?

We live in a fast moving world, and doing it all as individual player is not only hard, but unnecessary. Building mutually potentiating partnerships is key to extend our reach and enhance your beneficial impact.

In terms of impact potential, USEE is one of a kind!

We address global challenges across sectors through our online, and field activities, focusing on future development that benefits all. Supporting USEE is a way to give back to society, and our planet, while directly contributing to beneficial change and being part of a great legacy.

Imagine what happens when companies all over the globe unite for a common cause.

Together, we can and will make all the difference it takes to create a simpler and more joyful world. Join our quest and be a part of this uplifting movement.

What are we offering to our Pledgors during Phase X?

  • The Opportunity to make a Difference

  • Onboarding to our Global Community

  • Partner Listing on our Website with Supporter Badge for integration on your Website

  • ​Integration of Contributions in the USEE Newsletter

  • Access to USEE's Sponsor Hub with other projects and companies supporting USEE for Mutual Communication Support in PR/Marketing

  • Partner Newsletter

  • Bi-annual Pledgor AMAs

  • Invitations to Special Events

Girl with pig tales on the sides Lying Down on a wooden floor with a big smile, throwing her arms wide open above her head
text background showing a light brown pattern in wooden feel

Our Supporters, publicly take a step towards shaping a better future, for us and generations to come.

USEE is attempting to facilitate individual wellbeing, social welfare, resource security, ecosystem health, and much more, for people all around the world...


Let your success drive this movement and show the world that you care!

scenic view of hills on a sea side in the light of a sunrise on a beautiful day
text background showing a light brown pattern in wooden feel

Do you represent a business or organisation that would like to pledge an individual percentage of its profits to support our growth?

Reach out to us and let's see if our expectations align...

Enter our discord server and
be part of the conversation

Discord logo, linked to the USEE discord channel

If you're new to discord, it will take around 24h to get verified before you can join our chats and forums. Create your account now and come back tomorrow, we'll happily wait for you.

Join us on social media

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • TikTok

We are in the early stages of USEE's development, and need your help to spread the word.

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You See

The Vision     The Future    The Change

© 2024 by USEE - Unite and Support Ecology and Economy Lda.

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