Location Prototype Model Site

USEE operates on an international level, raising awareness, getting people involved into the re-shaping of our socio-economic system, and facilitating the necessary transformation.
Further, we are planning to establish various Real-Life Models across the globe. Whereas, for the implementation of our Prototype Model Site, we chose Alentejo in Protugal.

Why Portugal?
Portugal came out of dictatorship only in 1974, much later than other European countries. On 25th of April that year, people gathered in the streets to initiate what is locally known as the Revolution of Flowers. The "Carnation Revolution" was a violence-free change of regime, organised nationwide, years before the invention of the internet!
Moreover, in 2022 Portugal was nominated as friendliest country in the world, being very welcoming to expats. Isn't that wonderful?

The Region Alentejo
Alentejo is rich in cultural expressions and artisanal traditions, making it a popular holiday destination for Portuguese and Agrotourism enthousiasts. In fact, this beautiful region has a huge potential for expanding on tourism, even though it yet lacks the infrastructure to become a streamline destination for international visitors. We aim to support this development through a vast variety of collaborations aimed to boost the local economy. Further, we involve ourselves in the establishment and maintenance of local infrastructure around our Prototype Model Site.
Ecosystem and Agriculture
Since the establishment of Alqueva in 2002 (a human-made water reservoire), Alentejo has been a centre for monoculture-based agriculture. Most of the big scale farms here are established by firms coming from outside and leasing the land over a time period of 20+ years. However, the land management practices of conventional agriculture which are used, result in biodiversity and land fertility loss, erosion, and desertification, as well as water scarcity. Therefore, we are aiming to tackle these issues through land and water body regeneration, maximisation of biodiversity, inter-seasonal soil coverage and groundwater recharge. Along with that, we offer consulting and assistance for agricultural transformation, to accelerate the process, here and elsewhere.
Society and Economy
In terms of demographic and socio-economic development, Alentejo counts as one of the most vulnerable areas of Portugal and Europe, as if the high vulnerability to climate change wasn't enough. What we experience here, is not only the ripple effect of a later adopted democracy and slow economic development, but of mass migration concerning mostly young people. Alentejo is one of the least populated regions of Portugal presenting less than 22.5 people per square kilometer, with decreasing tendency and constant rise in age average. Thus, we aim to offer interesting opportunities to locals, inviting them to stay and build a life here, while keeping knowledge in the region and counter the current brain-drain. At the same time, we aim to work with experts from all over the world to assist with the establishment of USEE's Prototype Model Site, inviting people from abroad to make Alentejo their home.
Are you thinking of moving into a calm, friendly, and newly flourishing economy?